Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Powder


Lotus is filled with antioxidants and other nutrients that give you beautiful skin and a fairer complexion. Lotus is full of vitamin C, B complex, antioxidants and a list of minerals that lead to a more nourished and brighter complexion. It is an all-natural conditioner that keeps your hair from drying out.

Benefits on Skin

  • Radiance & Glow: Lotus powder has cooling, hydrating and skin- lightening properties. The oxidants in Lotus powder protect the skin from sun damage and gives the skin a glowing radiance. Due to its astringent property, it improves complexion and promotes new skin growth. It tones the skin and leaves the complexion looking more refreshed, softer, and firmer.
  • Anti acne & Reduce Scars: It also helps in the gradual removal of acne scars and blemishes.
  • Anti aging: It can hydrate and improve the elasticity of the facial skin and hence reduce the signs of anti aging.

Benefits on Hair

  • Natural Hair Conditioner: It is an all-natural conditioner that keeps your hair from drying out. You can also use it in combination with Kerala Naturals Amla, Shikakai and Bhringraj Powder. It makes your hair soft and easy to manage. It does not cause any kind of irritation, inflammation of scalp skin.
  • Adds volume and natural shine to hair. Prevents premature greying of hair.
  • Suitability: For all Hair type & Skin type

Additional information

Weight N/A

100gm, 500gm